Peaches and Angus move into a cottage near an idyllic village, not knowing that it’s
within the bounds of a fairy forest.  She has a long-time ambition to write a fantasy
story, but is frustrated by writer’s block.  At the time of the full Moon she begins to
have strange dreams, one of which leads to an encounter with the fairy Mermiranda
and her forest friends.

Mermiranda tries to keep Angus out of trouble, but fails and he is kidnapped by a
band of roaming goblins, who plan to embed him in a tree as a green man.  She
manages to cast a spell that will keep him safe until the next phase of the Moon,
but there are only a few days to find and save him.

They may need the help of the elusive Venerable Walnut Wizard, and during their
night-time searches Mermiranda tells the tale of how the wizard came by his nutty
name and how she came by hers.  Unexpected help also comes in the form of
Wilfred, The Venerable Wise White-Whiskered Wizard.

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Demelza Goodwych
Nom de Plume of Carol Weaver
Peaches McUmble-Pye and the Flying Scotsman
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